Pleasure App Media Apps

Adventura Vampiro Chica 1.0
¿Es usted un fan de las películas de vampirosde porcelana?Si esto es correcto, entonces usted debe jugar a este juego. Pon aprueba tus habilidades para jugar y obtener a través de losdesafíos en este juego.Cómo jugar a que era muy fácil. Sólo tiene que pasar el obstáculoobstáculo. los obstáculos de cada nivel es diferente. cuanto mayorsea el nivel que juegues, el reto será más difícil. Pero no sepreocupe, porque creemos que puede resolverlos.Ven descargar ahora y jugar, invitar a amigos para un juego !!FREENOTA:Si hay críticas y sugerencias o solicitar la eliminación de unaimagen o similares, por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros.Gracias.Are you a fan of vampiremovies china?If this is correct, then you should play this game. Test yourskills to play and get through the challenges in this game.How to play it was very easy. Just pass the obstacle obstacle.obstacles in each level is different. the higher the level youplay, the challenge will be harder. But do not worry, because webelieve that you can solve them.Come now download and play, invite friends for a game !! FREENOTE:If there are criticisms and suggestions or request the removal ofan image or the like, please contact us. Thank you.
Run and Jump Descendants 1.0
Cameron dove is currently playing in hisnewmovie, do you know the movie is it? yeah right, descendant. ifyoureally liked the movie starring. if liked then of course youwilllove this game.This game is inspired by Mal.That is one actor in the will not be difficult, to play this game because it is veryeasyto play.You just have to press your smart phone screen to jump andpassobstacles. Collect as many points and Become the winner inthisgame.Come download now and start playing! FREEnote:This is an official, just a game fans roommate created, inspiredbythe television.If any criticism or suggestions please contact us.THANK YOU......
New Adventure of Jessie 1.0
Do you like watching tv series jessie?Do you like dovee cameron?If so, then you should play this game.This game challenges you to get past the obstacles ineachlevel.Difficulty different challenges at each level. The levelofdifficulty will increase if the level of your game is alreadyhigh.But do not worry, we believe that you can conquer all thelevelsin this game. Come prove it now!Download and play now! FREE.Compete with your friends. get the highest score.NOTE:The game is only inspired by the tv series jessie. If therearecriticisms and suggestions or request the removal of imagesandothers, please contact us.Thank you